Our biking adventure in Grand Canyon National Park

Grand Canyon 2021

As summer is officially here. I am thinking back to last year’s summer vacation. Last summer my family traveled out west. AKA The Pallop’s Wild Wild West trip. I had never been to the western part of the US and really wanted to explore it. We flew into Arizona, then drove to the Grand Canyon for a couple nights and days of exploration.  From there we drove to Zion National Park, where among other things, we hiked the Narrows..that is another whole blog.  I HIGHLY recommend hiking the Narrows. From Zion we had a few nights in Vegas, treated ourselves to a spa treatment and flew home. All in all it was a terrific trip, lots of driving but along with it, new and interesting landscape. As I mentioned I had never been to any of these places and I knew I wanted to hike in Zion. I was unsure of how to tackle the Grand Canyon portion of our trip.  I am not the type of traveler who drives to the overlook, takes it in, snaps a pic and moves on. I like to explore, touch and be part of the environment.  My kids (teens) however are not quite as zen as I am. They hike with purpose and hardly look back, or stop. I prefer to look up and around and down (so as not to trip). I like to soak it in, sunshine or shade, maybe even have a sip or two of  water. They forge ahead, never stopping for a glance back, not even to see if Mom is still there. Solely focused on the endgame/summit (getting it over with so to speak).  Knowing this, I knew that I could not convince (force march)  them in both the Grand Canyon and Zion. I was intent on hiking in Zion. So I had to find another way to explore the Grand Canyon.  There had to be a compromise. What I planned was  brilliant if I do say so myself. I found an amazing place right inside  Grand Canyon National park. It is called Bright Angel Bike rentals. And yes they rent bikes, but it is oh so much more than that. They rent a family friendly afternoon in the Grand Canyon. When I looked at their website, I saw all the positives, first they were located in the park, no driving around an unfamiliar place looking for a bike shop. Second, they had electric bikes to rent..maybe Mom can keep up with the teens. Lastly they had a package deal with lunch included. Maybe it is just me, but when I am traveling somewhere for the first time one of my main worries is where we are going to eat. Is there somewhere easy to get to that everyone will like. Furthermore when we are in the national parks, I wonder if we will be able to get lunch before everyone is super cranky from hiking. And so sign up, I did. Bikes for the family and lunch too!

On our arrival day at the Grand Canyon it was nearing dinner. However there was no way I was going to sleep that night just minutes from the Grand Canyon without actually seeing it. We went and took a look at the Canyon. We took a short walk around the rim to see the vastness of the canyon. We also went to the visitors center, and scoped out where the bike rental was. With that checked off the list we headed to bed. The next day we were up early and had breakfast at the general store/Starbucks and off to Bright Angel Bicycle rentals.  When we arrived there was a bit of a line of families waiting to rent bikes for the day. However Because I had a reservation, we were moved right along. The workers had everything running smoothly. Pick up your lunch, grab a helmet and then have your safety training. Part of training is taking a short test ride and then we were on our way. It was simple, efficient and quick. Also they gave us a map and explained where the best paths to go would be and told us where bikes were prohibited. The employees told us what to expect along the way, where we could get water and bathrooms, even where the big uphills were. So due to good advanced planning we were off before the heat of the day. We biked from the visitors center to Hermits rest, on the Rim Trail. This is the route many of the park shuttles take. It was terrific, we could stop at every overlook if we wanted or every other one, or none if you just wanted to bike with a great view. I am not sure exactly what I was expecting of the Grand Canyon itself, but I was surprised and delighted at how different the Canyon looked and felt from one part of it to another. The more we explored it the more amazing it became. With so many different looks, it was like a Cher concert.

One of the many spectacular views

The electric bikes were a lifesaver, none of us had ever ridden one prior to this. The extra power boost really did make a difference. We stopped at several overlooks along the way.  Many had restrooms we could use if needed and some had picnic areas or benches but all had amazing views. It was a terrific way to spend the day. As a bonus we got some exercise. We saw a lot of the Canyon without hoards of people, and at our own pace. Occasionally we would hit the overlook at the same time as the shuttle stopped, and it would get crowded, but we just waited it out. Having a longer break suited me just fine. Once we arrived at Hermit’s Rest, we explored that part of Grand Canyon National Park. Hermits Rest is a historical building used for visitors to have a last stop/rest before descending into the Grand Canyon. I found the building just fascinating, and the view was stunning. What a neat place to visit, especially if you are someone like myself who enjoys old buildings and the history that lies within. As an added bonus they sell ice cream at Hermits Rest. 

Hermits Rest

We opened our lunches and ate heartily. The lunches from Bright Angel Bicycle included a sandwich, no ordinary sandwich. Turkey, bacon and lettuce on cranberry ciabatta bread or if you are less adventurous, peanut butter and jelly. There were other options to choose from as well. Along with the sandwich was a piece of fruit of your choosing and a bag of chips. Included with the lunch package, Bright Angel Bicycles provided us with a water bottle we could refill as we biked along. After our lunch break, we began our return ride.  We made a few more overlook stops and went on one or two of the smaller bike trails off the road. We also stopped at the market plaza in Grand Canyon village. We bought cold drinks and a snack, it was amazingly refreshing and much needed to have an iced cold drink. Then to the bike shop for drop off, which of course was even easier than pick up. We all felt accomplished and ready for the hotel pool. I was elated that my plan worked, everyone was happy with the way we were able to see the Canyon and do it at our own pace. The only drawback was Helmet hair in your photos. But truly well worth it.

Bright Angel Bicycles, I should have taken this photo Pre-Bike Ride.

For travel planning..@missy-pallop

For Bright Angel Bikes in the Grand Canyon.. https://bikegrandcanyon.com/


My Visit, the Reading Public Museum

Like many people this year, I have had plenty of my travel plans cancelled. And so I  have been trying to venture out locally and find new places to discover. Recently a trusted friend suggested the Reading Public Museum.  I did some research and decided to visit. I am so happy I did.  Soaking in some culture and taking a moment to just relax and meander through some amazing exhibits, was exactly the mental health break I needed.  As a bonus I learned some things, funny how that  happens when visiting a museum. As someone who loves to read and soak up knowledge, the more information I can get my hands on the happier I am. 

 A short primer on the Reading Public Museum. The Reading Public Museum is more than a century old and has over 300,000 items in its collections.  The Reading Public Museum has several different areas, and exhibits. They have a variety of displays from European Art to Ancient Greek civilizations. Included in their exhibits is one in which an animatronic of the museum’s founder, a Dr. Levi W. Mengel explains how and why it all began. The Museum also has a planetarium and an arboretum.  I did not visit the planetarium but did have a picnic lunch outside in the park, and walked around the grounds.  I plan on making a return trip at some point to check out a planetarium show. 

Listening to Dr. Mengel

Inside the museum the first room I explored was a Native American display. It felt so lifelike, as if you are stepping into their world.  It is a good all around showing of the life of Native Americans who lived and thrived  in our area. It teaches about their traditions, the clothing they wore and the foods they ate. Also on exhibit are some of the animals they co-existed with. I stood face to face with a polar bear and although it was stuffed, staring into that bear’s eyes (albeit glass)  gave me the willies.

one of the many creatures on display

A child’s storybook area was also at the museum. I did not explore that area, but it looked cute and seemed to entertain a few smaller children who were also visiting the museum for quite some time. Parental bonus, once you get your kiddos into the museum you may be able to interest them in exploring further. 

Some children may be interested in the room they have full of armor. Including armor used on horses. How cool is that? A display case full of swords can also be found in the Arms and Armor Gallery. I found it interesting to see how armor has changed throughout the years and how it varied from culture to culture. For those who are enthralled by the PA Dutch culture an entire room is devoted to that. 

Maybe the most interesting artifact displayed at the museum is an actual mummy. Her name is Nefrinia, and she lived in the Ptolemaic period (332-30 BCE).  She is amazingly preserved and seeing her takes your breath away and may make your stomach do a little flip (at least mine did). The museum does an excellent job at telling Nefrina’s story, including how she came to be so well preserved. It truly is fascinating. The room around the mummy is filled with other Ancient Greek artifacts. Statue marble heads and even some hieroglyphics.  For middle school kids learning about Greek Gods and Ancient Greece this is a great way for them to see up close pieces of that ancient civilization.

Temporary exhibits at the museum included one Entitled “Courting Style, Womens Tennis Fashion.” This exhibit showed all kinds of womens tennis dress beginning in the 1870’s  and continuing up to current times.  It was interesting to see how far not only fashion has come but how much more conducive to playing the uniforms have become.  Obviously playing a round of tennis in an ankle length dress must be a detriment to your game. I am not a tennis player but I am sure it was made more difficult by not just lots of fabric but also constricting clothing. We sure have come a long way. 

tennis fashion from the beginning

Speaking of changes, in the sport of tennis the second temporary exhibit  was filled with information about the history changing Billie Jean King. The traveling exhibit entitled. “Billie Jean King CHAMPION ACTIVIST LEGEND” was an eye opener for me. I knew her only in name.  I came away from that exhibit feeling awed by what an amazing human being, and athlete she was.  She truly shone her light and used her platform to work for social justice and equal rights. I was happy to have learned more about a person I may have otherwise not taken the time to study.  Quite honestly I may have to add a Billy Jean King biography to my reading list.  

Billie Jean King exhibit

Lastly and my favorite part of the Reading Public Museum was the art. The art is nicely separated into different rooms, Modern and Contemporary, European and American.  Also from now until May 2021 they have an American Women artist collection, which is beautiful.

I am not an artist, as a matter of fact even my stick figure drawings are dreadful. Perhaps that is why I am so appreciative of wonderful art pieces. I never fail to be amazed at how some art can speak to you. I can zoom past 6 pieces but then that 7th piece I have to stop and study.  Art is fascinating in that way. It can tug at your heartstrings, anger you, or fill you with hope, or disgust.  Art can inspire you or transport you to another place or time. Not unlike when Mary Poppins and the Banks Children jumped into Bert’s chalk drawings.

Some years ago I traveled to Russia as a student ambassador. On our trip we visited many many museums.  I remember being told by a tour guide at the time, you do not WALK through an art museum, instead you sit with the art.  I was a teenager then and I tried to sit with many of those pieces of art, but I did not get it. I would get bored, and fidgety, and my mind would wander. Until I found the right piece. I remember distinctly it was a ginormous painting of the ocean. The painting was wild and rough. Nothing on the canvas but the waves, no shore or ships. The painting was filled with blues, grays and greens and the vibrant white of the ferocious whitecaps. It felt like the ocean was going to pull me under. It truly was a terrifying scene, however I could not stop looking at that painting. It seemed alive to me. It was then that I realized what the tour guide meant by sitting with the art. Since that time I make sure to take the time to stop and sit with the art that draws me in. There is something about sitting and viewing the art that makes a deeper connection. The very act of sitting is making a commitment to stay and soak it in, to allow yourself to connect in a deeper way with the art.

  If you are a lifelong learner like myself or you enjoy history, art or both. Maybe you too need a mental health day. If so I strongly encourage you to visit the Reading Public Museum. If you are not able to visit the Reading Public Museum, try to find a museum nearby and visit it. And if you are homebound there are many terrific museums giving virtual tours of their exhibits.  The next time you do find yourself in a museum remember to stop and sit on those benches. You may be surprised by what your eyes can feel.

take a moment and sit with the art

Thanks for reading,



The Reading Public Museum

http://reading public museum


Due to this pandemic caused by COVID 19 I have not been traveling much further than my own backyard.  Although I am extremely grateful to have a backyard to explore, I miss exploring the outside world. Recently I was craving lobster, which brought my mind around to my trip to Acadia National Park. A few years ago my family and I went for the first time, loved it so much we returned the following year.  Acadia is a magical place for me. I adore the outdoors, coming from a long line of farmers, I feel the love of being outside is in my blood.  I also have a fascination with history, Acadia is rich with both. To help soothe my soul in these precocious times, I felt it would be good to do some reminiscing about Acadia. Along the way I will share a few tips for my readers.

During our two trips to Acadia we hiked, through gardens, in forests, and of course up mountains.  We saw the sunrise on Cadillac mountain (the first place the sun touches on the east coast for most of the year) and we climbed quite a bit, even topped Cadillac mountain. We had picnic lunches, ate in Bar Harbor restaurants and had popovers at Jordans Pondhouse.  We also crossed the sandbar and dipped more than our toes in the ocean.

But one of the more interesting parts of our adventure was climbing the South Bubble. Yes it sounds cute, but let me assure you it was not. We climbed the South Bubble the first year we visited Acadia.  Full disclosure I had greatly underestimated the amount and kind of hiking my family was capable of.  Or in this case, how over our heads we would get.  To preface this story my family  had done some hiking on relatively easy trails, some climbing involved at home and at Acadia. But we had not done anything too strenuous. As an aside my girls who were just into the double digits at the time were hiking in sneakers, and quite honestly probably the ones they had worn the entire school year.

TIP #1 invest in hiking shoes

The only one of us who had been to Acaidia prior to this trip was my husband.  He had been to Acadia as a child with his family. As such he was the only one who had any experience. We were looking for our next hike one morning before lunch. We came across the trail for the South Bubble, my husband recalled seeing that when he was a child and it was not much of a hike at all. The description for South Bubble is as follows “ South Bubble: 1-3 pitch routes, some friction climbing, good beginner routes.”  The only bit of that description that I understood at the time was “good beginner routes”. I think to myself, we are beginners, we can do this!

  TIP #2 Buy a good quality hiking map.

This hike was an eye opener, especially for a nervous mother like me. Did I mention we also had the dog along?  The dog is an excellent climber, a little too good at times with a little too short leash and he drags my kids behind him. Sometimes they are stronger and he nearly falls off a rock while trying to get over it because the leash is too short.

TIP #3 if you take your pup hiking take a long leash and do practice hikes with your pup (and kiddos) before your trip.

This takes a good deal of patience and finesse to get accustomed to. Of course, my girls insist they hold his leash. But we get the hang of hiking with the dog. If you’ve ever climbed any mountains, you know that it seems you go up and up and up some more. There are beautiful views and vistas along the way and when you think you are near the top, there is more up.  I love hiking but I do not love heights, yes I know this seems counter intuitive. I especially do not like my kids standing on the edge of a cliff, which of course they revel in. The South Bubble is not different, it felt never ending. Also remember we are anticipating this being an easy hike, maybe an hour tops. It is not, and it is also getting late in the morning. We did not pack provisions enough for a strenuous hike, and lunch time is nearing.

TIP #4 Always pack more food, water etc than you think you will need. 

However we are nearing the summit and can feel we are getting close, when BAM!!   We come to a pass, there is only one way to continue on.  This piece of the hike is about a 3-4 foot step up in what I would call a crack in between the boulders. I would say it looked to be 6 inches wide, ok so maybe a bit wider but not much.  How are we going to get these kids up that step and then climb over the rock to a flatter top. Not to mention the dog. I am in full internal freak out mode, breathe, breathe, stay calm.  So many questions flood my head, Is the rest of the trail this way?  Do we have to go back down the way we came?  How long will that take? Is it even possible?  Can I just stay here? Would some helicopter airlift me home? What if someone freaks out halfway through the crack (namely me)? 

Upon reflection we realize we have not passed many hikers going down the way we’ve come up and scaling those boulders downhill seems super frightening. Seems our choices are continuing upwards or the helicopter rescue. (my secret hope)  Ultimately cool heads prevail and we decide to send my husband up to see what the terrain is like in front of us.  The girls and dog and I find a small spot to wait for him. Now I am not a thin person and I am also not very tall, and so a 4 foot step up which is only wide enough for one foot and I doubt my hips is not ideal to say the least. However as we sat, on what felt like a cliff edge and waited and waited and waited. I watched many people come up the trail behind us. I witnessed how individually they approached that crack in the boulder. I saw hikers 10 -20 years older than me manage it. I witnessed one young couple contemplating it. He was all let’s do this no problem, she was more hesitant and at one point said, do you really think my back side is going to fit through there? As I mentioned they were young and in love so he said the right encouraging words and indeed they both made it through. I also spoke to a guide, helping another couple hike the Bubble. I asked her about the rest of the hike and she assured me we were close to the top and it is not too treacherous past this part. At this point I am trying to keep my children off the rock face, as they are sure they can find another way, oh did I mention once you are through the little crack there is nothing behind you but sky. I’m having cold sweats just remembering that. So as I am trying to remain calm and keep the kids from scaling the side of the cliff a couple with a dog came by. They had 2 teenage sons and I am sure the mom saw the worry on my face.  I watched how they managed to get their dog up the crack.  And then the mom kindly turned to me and offered to have her boys help hold our pup while we got the kids through.  Thank heavens for the kindness of strangers, because that’s what we did. My husband had just returned and informed us we would be okay once we got past this part.  

 And so the dog went first, he is only about 40 lbs but lifting a four legged oddly shaped furball up over my head to my husband was not easy or graceful. especially considering my rescue pup is still terrified by my husband. However once through, the pup was happy to hang with two teenage boys. Next the kids went through. I held my breath, and hoisted them up while my husband pulled them through. They of course loved every minute of it. 

Now it was my turn, me and my hips.  Fortunately all of this watching and waiting had given me some confidence that I could manage this. Although I still was worried I would become a piece of the mountain forever wedged in that crack. With no helicopters in sight I took a deep breath and  one humongous step and then another as I pulled myself though. Then clinging with dear life to the rock face and over the edge. NEVER looking back.  Truthfully this was terrifying.  However it also came with a giant sigh of relief and pride in knowing that we could indeed work this out as a family (with a little help).   From there on we made it to the top rather quickly or at least that is how I remember it. The view  literally took my breath away.  

the view from the South Bubble

The feeling of relief and success did not last long as just below the summit is a boulder somehow precariously stuck on the edge looking like it is defining the laws of physics.  Shockingly my kids had to take a pic “pushing” it over the edge. I just turned my back so I couldn’t watch and pet my dog instead. 

kids pushing the boulder and my heart rate up.
Kids pushing Boulder

What a day we had. We made amazing memories and I learned I was capable of moving forward, facing my fears head on and feeling the freedom of it. 

TIP #5 push yourself, do something outside your comfort zone.

So please go outside, explore and support our beautiful National Parks…it’ll make you feel alive!




Our Disney Day

A week ago or so my family and I traveled to France, and Japan, Norway and Mexico all in one night. What? You say that’s impossible?  Especially since most of those countries are not allowing Americans across their borders.  Well then let me explain. My family, and I are big Disney fans. Our favorite park is EPCOT.  We especially like wandering around the World Showcase and taking in the different countries, sounds, smells, tastes and sights.  Since we’ve been in isolation, and Disney is currently closed, we decided to bring our favorite park to us. Every family member chose a country and a room in the house. Then we set to work transforming our home into EPCOT World showcase, with a touch of Magic Kingdom in a tribute to Rapunzel.  (Rapunzel is a favorite, so we made an exception.) 

The week or two leading up to our “Disney Day” was full of secret projects, closed doors, cutting cardboard and scrolling through Pinterest. Some things were a bit hard to hide, the cardboard Eiffel Tower for example.  However my oldest daughter was able to keep quite a bit of her Mexico themed room on the down low. Despite the joyful, mariachi music coming from her room almost daily. We used only what we had on hand. With the only exception being food.

When our “Disney day” finally arrived, we donned our Mickey Ears and strapped on our magic bands and started our journey. Japan was first up, my husband greeted us at the door wearing his robe, a kimono of sorts I suppose.  He had transformed our bedroom into the Japan pavilion. If you’ve been to EPCOT’S Japan pavilion you know inside the Japan pavilion there is an enormous store. It seems to go on forever. When we are in the World Showcase we always take time to browse the store in Japan, you can find bento boxes, kimonos, good luck charms, all kinds of candy and snacks, from dried shrimp to pocky sticks and of course more Hello Kitty than you could imagine. 

 Our “Mitsukoshi Department Store” consisted of some specially chosen items laid out on the desk and dresser. We each chose one, and scanned our magic bands to pay.  The kids got Japanese candy which is often what they buy in the Japan Pavilion.  Next we were directed to the theater (our closet) where we watched a short film on the history of Japan.  Following the film, we saw slides of EPCOTs Japan pavilion in the 80’s.  And then the piece de resistance, ( I don’t know how to express that in Japanese) he had made frushi. Frushi is a favorite snack of the kids when we visit Disney during the Flower and Garden festival.  It was fresh and bright and delicious.  We were all impressed.

From Japan we park hopped over to Magic Kingdom and went to visit Rapunzel’s area. As we entered we were serenaded by Rapunzel and then instructed to go on a hunt for her pet chameleon, Pascal. My youngest had made several paper origami Pascals and hid them around her room. The next time you visit Disney’s Magic Kingdom spend some time looking for the 10 Pascals hidden for guests to find. They are located near Rapunzel’s tower in Magic kingdom. And much like the area around Rapunzel’s tower in the Magic Kingdom, our area had lanterns and was decorated with Rapunzel’s sun symbol and flags.  After finding most of the chameleons (Pascals) we took a short break, to allow the Mexican Pavilion to open. 

 We may have noshed on some more frushi at this point. (Isn’t vacation about the food anyways) When Mexico opened, we were greeted by a young girl dressed in her best traditional Mexican garb. She welcomed us to Mexico with a tropical fruit drink. It was refreshing and delicious and the adult ones contained rum. A Mariachi band made of toilet paper rolls was playing music. The room was decorated with lights and flowers.  My daughter even made a Phineas and Ferb Agent P’s Adventure game, similar to the actual game in EPCOT. My youngest and husband had to figure out a few clues on the phone. When the clues were solved, Perry the platypus popped up from a flower bed on a shelf on the wall. A very clever use of paper flowers and fishing line, also loads of fun. 

After Mexico we headed to France, where we visited our favorite shop “Les Halles Boulangerie patisserie”.  When we wander EPCOT’s World showcase we always make sure we are ready for a snack when we arrive in France.  Not only is the Patisserie in the France pavilion but there is also an amazing ice cream shop.  Generally we head to the Patisserie and pick out a few treats to share. In EPCOT the patisserie has Croissant sandwiches, Quiche, Creme Brulee, Eclairs, Beignets, Napoleons and more..much much more.  At our France we had chocolate mousse, my kids favorite and a pick of croissants (thank you Wegmans).  We also enjoyed non alcoholic pink champagne.  In our France pavilion there was an Eiffel Tower all lit up for the night.  We took pictures in front of the Eiffel tower. Also Marie from Aristocats was on hand for photo taking. As we enjoyed our treats in France we admired the stacked chairs left over from the show that happens in the France pavilion in EPCOT.  In World Showcases France the “Serveur Amusant” acrobats perform, this consists of 2 performers building and balancing on a tower of chairs.

Our final stop was Norway where we rode the Frozen ride. The room had snowflakes hanging from the ceiling and in the center was a ride vehicle aka coffee table.  We climbed in and rode the Frozen ride virtually. (we watched the ride video).  It was kinda nice to feel as though you were on the ride again and to experience the Disney storytelling from home.

All and all it was a fantastic night. We had a lot of fun, it kept us busy for quite a while, creating, and planning, and then exploring and of course cleaning up.  Some of the rooms we revisited to explore again.  In between countries/rooms we spent time pretending to be on the monorail or riding a ride. Sometimes we just discussed what we liked best about the last place visited. Or what parts were most like The World Showcase.  What else did we remember about that country in Disney, as well as memories from our time there.

Disney is so full of magic and wonder which is why we love it so.  For me helping people plan their Disney vacation is one way I can keep close to that magic and share it with others.  Helping people make amazing memories at Disney, makes my heart happy.

So if you have a special place you can not travel to right now, bring it to you. Be creative, miss the beach? Bring a lawn chair outside with a book and sunglasses, put on some ocean noise and have someone wet your feet occasionally.  Or maybe you miss exploring the National Parks. You can check in on them virtually or go for a hike near you and pretend, did you see a grizzly, or hear that waterfall? 

I was so impressed with what my kids came up with and the little details they put into it.  Go nuts, have fun and please share with me. I would love to hear how you are bringing your favorite vacation spots to your home this year.

For help planning a Disney trip or any other adventure,email me at missy.pallop@capturethemagicvacations.com

Here is a link to watch our National Parks virtually https://www.nps.gov/subjects/watchingwildlife/webcams.htm

Blog?? Why not?

Why have I started a blog? Quite honestly I am not really sure, I suppose I am just ready. I am ready to share my love of travel, of Disney and even to share the random places my brain often wanders to.   Actually to be honest I do not really love travel. The actual travel part makes me quite nervous but once I am settled I love it. It’s better said that I love to explore. Yes that is definitely true. 

I love to explore the world, our national parks and my own backyard.  Just observing and seeing the earth and it’s creatures enthralls me.  Another love I have is for Disney, my family and I have made so many beautiful memories at Disney World. It has become a part of our family life. So much so that I recently started working as a travel agent, and I specialize in Disney.  I am looking forward to helping other people take magical vacations in and out of Disney.  I am also excited to explore all kinds of travel and adventure bookings.

This is not the first time I have considered starting a blog. The first time I seriously began looking into it was just this past winter. I had been planning an amazing trip for this summer. 

My family and I were flying to Denmark to visit a friend and see the sites. From there we were traveling to Norway. We had plans to see so many wonderful things, everything from UNESCO sites to Fjords.  We would visit old churches (one of my loves), really I am a sucker for any old building. I had booked a cottage with a fjord view. Yes a fjord view..crazy right? There would be railway journeys, and museums, but I digress. 

As I was planning this amazing trip I was also considering starting a blog, I could write about my travels near and far and when I am not traveling I could input my “random thoughts”  (the places my brain travels to). And then…a pandemic hit the world..hard! This of course caused us to cancel our trip..my baby.  And with COVID 19 came many other changes and challenges. And so I put the idea of a blog away, with my jeans and running shoes. 

However recently I pulled out my running shoes (for a walk)  and revisited the idea of a blog. I thought maybe now is a good time to start the blog..why not. Of course I will not be traveling far (at all) but I still can dream and so can my readers. And of course I still have random thoughts.

 So welcome to my blog, “Wandering feet and Random thoughts”

I hope you enjoy!