Our Disney Day

A week ago or so my family and I traveled to France, and Japan, Norway and Mexico all in one night. What? You say that’s impossible?  Especially since most of those countries are not allowing Americans across their borders.  Well then let me explain. My family, and I are big Disney fans. Our favorite park is EPCOT.  We especially like wandering around the World Showcase and taking in the different countries, sounds, smells, tastes and sights.  Since we’ve been in isolation, and Disney is currently closed, we decided to bring our favorite park to us. Every family member chose a country and a room in the house. Then we set to work transforming our home into EPCOT World showcase, with a touch of Magic Kingdom in a tribute to Rapunzel.  (Rapunzel is a favorite, so we made an exception.) 

The week or two leading up to our “Disney Day” was full of secret projects, closed doors, cutting cardboard and scrolling through Pinterest. Some things were a bit hard to hide, the cardboard Eiffel Tower for example.  However my oldest daughter was able to keep quite a bit of her Mexico themed room on the down low. Despite the joyful, mariachi music coming from her room almost daily. We used only what we had on hand. With the only exception being food.

When our “Disney day” finally arrived, we donned our Mickey Ears and strapped on our magic bands and started our journey. Japan was first up, my husband greeted us at the door wearing his robe, a kimono of sorts I suppose.  He had transformed our bedroom into the Japan pavilion. If you’ve been to EPCOT’S Japan pavilion you know inside the Japan pavilion there is an enormous store. It seems to go on forever. When we are in the World Showcase we always take time to browse the store in Japan, you can find bento boxes, kimonos, good luck charms, all kinds of candy and snacks, from dried shrimp to pocky sticks and of course more Hello Kitty than you could imagine. 

 Our “Mitsukoshi Department Store” consisted of some specially chosen items laid out on the desk and dresser. We each chose one, and scanned our magic bands to pay.  The kids got Japanese candy which is often what they buy in the Japan Pavilion.  Next we were directed to the theater (our closet) where we watched a short film on the history of Japan.  Following the film, we saw slides of EPCOTs Japan pavilion in the 80’s.  And then the piece de resistance, ( I don’t know how to express that in Japanese) he had made frushi. Frushi is a favorite snack of the kids when we visit Disney during the Flower and Garden festival.  It was fresh and bright and delicious.  We were all impressed.

From Japan we park hopped over to Magic Kingdom and went to visit Rapunzel’s area. As we entered we were serenaded by Rapunzel and then instructed to go on a hunt for her pet chameleon, Pascal. My youngest had made several paper origami Pascals and hid them around her room. The next time you visit Disney’s Magic Kingdom spend some time looking for the 10 Pascals hidden for guests to find. They are located near Rapunzel’s tower in Magic kingdom. And much like the area around Rapunzel’s tower in the Magic Kingdom, our area had lanterns and was decorated with Rapunzel’s sun symbol and flags.  After finding most of the chameleons (Pascals) we took a short break, to allow the Mexican Pavilion to open. 

 We may have noshed on some more frushi at this point. (Isn’t vacation about the food anyways) When Mexico opened, we were greeted by a young girl dressed in her best traditional Mexican garb. She welcomed us to Mexico with a tropical fruit drink. It was refreshing and delicious and the adult ones contained rum. A Mariachi band made of toilet paper rolls was playing music. The room was decorated with lights and flowers.  My daughter even made a Phineas and Ferb Agent P’s Adventure game, similar to the actual game in EPCOT. My youngest and husband had to figure out a few clues on the phone. When the clues were solved, Perry the platypus popped up from a flower bed on a shelf on the wall. A very clever use of paper flowers and fishing line, also loads of fun. 

After Mexico we headed to France, where we visited our favorite shop “Les Halles Boulangerie patisserie”.  When we wander EPCOT’s World showcase we always make sure we are ready for a snack when we arrive in France.  Not only is the Patisserie in the France pavilion but there is also an amazing ice cream shop.  Generally we head to the Patisserie and pick out a few treats to share. In EPCOT the patisserie has Croissant sandwiches, Quiche, Creme Brulee, Eclairs, Beignets, Napoleons and more..much much more.  At our France we had chocolate mousse, my kids favorite and a pick of croissants (thank you Wegmans).  We also enjoyed non alcoholic pink champagne.  In our France pavilion there was an Eiffel Tower all lit up for the night.  We took pictures in front of the Eiffel tower. Also Marie from Aristocats was on hand for photo taking. As we enjoyed our treats in France we admired the stacked chairs left over from the show that happens in the France pavilion in EPCOT.  In World Showcases France the “Serveur Amusant” acrobats perform, this consists of 2 performers building and balancing on a tower of chairs.

Our final stop was Norway where we rode the Frozen ride. The room had snowflakes hanging from the ceiling and in the center was a ride vehicle aka coffee table.  We climbed in and rode the Frozen ride virtually. (we watched the ride video).  It was kinda nice to feel as though you were on the ride again and to experience the Disney storytelling from home.

All and all it was a fantastic night. We had a lot of fun, it kept us busy for quite a while, creating, and planning, and then exploring and of course cleaning up.  Some of the rooms we revisited to explore again.  In between countries/rooms we spent time pretending to be on the monorail or riding a ride. Sometimes we just discussed what we liked best about the last place visited. Or what parts were most like The World Showcase.  What else did we remember about that country in Disney, as well as memories from our time there.

Disney is so full of magic and wonder which is why we love it so.  For me helping people plan their Disney vacation is one way I can keep close to that magic and share it with others.  Helping people make amazing memories at Disney, makes my heart happy.

So if you have a special place you can not travel to right now, bring it to you. Be creative, miss the beach? Bring a lawn chair outside with a book and sunglasses, put on some ocean noise and have someone wet your feet occasionally.  Or maybe you miss exploring the National Parks. You can check in on them virtually or go for a hike near you and pretend, did you see a grizzly, or hear that waterfall? 

I was so impressed with what my kids came up with and the little details they put into it.  Go nuts, have fun and please share with me. I would love to hear how you are bringing your favorite vacation spots to your home this year.

For help planning a Disney trip or any other adventure,email me at missy.pallop@capturethemagicvacations.com

Here is a link to watch our National Parks virtually https://www.nps.gov/subjects/watchingwildlife/webcams.htm

Blog?? Why not?

Why have I started a blog? Quite honestly I am not really sure, I suppose I am just ready. I am ready to share my love of travel, of Disney and even to share the random places my brain often wanders to.   Actually to be honest I do not really love travel. The actual travel part makes me quite nervous but once I am settled I love it. It’s better said that I love to explore. Yes that is definitely true. 

I love to explore the world, our national parks and my own backyard.  Just observing and seeing the earth and it’s creatures enthralls me.  Another love I have is for Disney, my family and I have made so many beautiful memories at Disney World. It has become a part of our family life. So much so that I recently started working as a travel agent, and I specialize in Disney.  I am looking forward to helping other people take magical vacations in and out of Disney.  I am also excited to explore all kinds of travel and adventure bookings.

This is not the first time I have considered starting a blog. The first time I seriously began looking into it was just this past winter. I had been planning an amazing trip for this summer. 

My family and I were flying to Denmark to visit a friend and see the sites. From there we were traveling to Norway. We had plans to see so many wonderful things, everything from UNESCO sites to Fjords.  We would visit old churches (one of my loves), really I am a sucker for any old building. I had booked a cottage with a fjord view. Yes a fjord view..crazy right? There would be railway journeys, and museums, but I digress. 

As I was planning this amazing trip I was also considering starting a blog, I could write about my travels near and far and when I am not traveling I could input my “random thoughts”  (the places my brain travels to). And then…a pandemic hit the world..hard! This of course caused us to cancel our trip..my baby.  And with COVID 19 came many other changes and challenges. And so I put the idea of a blog away, with my jeans and running shoes. 

However recently I pulled out my running shoes (for a walk)  and revisited the idea of a blog. I thought maybe now is a good time to start the blog..why not. Of course I will not be traveling far (at all) but I still can dream and so can my readers. And of course I still have random thoughts.

 So welcome to my blog, “Wandering feet and Random thoughts”

I hope you enjoy!