Blog?? Why not?

Why have I started a blog? Quite honestly I am not really sure, I suppose I am just ready. I am ready to share my love of travel, of Disney and even to share the random places my brain often wanders to.   Actually to be honest I do not really love travel. The actual travel part makes me quite nervous but once I am settled I love it. It’s better said that I love to explore. Yes that is definitely true. 

I love to explore the world, our national parks and my own backyard.  Just observing and seeing the earth and it’s creatures enthralls me.  Another love I have is for Disney, my family and I have made so many beautiful memories at Disney World. It has become a part of our family life. So much so that I recently started working as a travel agent, and I specialize in Disney.  I am looking forward to helping other people take magical vacations in and out of Disney.  I am also excited to explore all kinds of travel and adventure bookings.

This is not the first time I have considered starting a blog. The first time I seriously began looking into it was just this past winter. I had been planning an amazing trip for this summer. 

My family and I were flying to Denmark to visit a friend and see the sites. From there we were traveling to Norway. We had plans to see so many wonderful things, everything from UNESCO sites to Fjords.  We would visit old churches (one of my loves), really I am a sucker for any old building. I had booked a cottage with a fjord view. Yes a fjord view..crazy right? There would be railway journeys, and museums, but I digress. 

As I was planning this amazing trip I was also considering starting a blog, I could write about my travels near and far and when I am not traveling I could input my “random thoughts”  (the places my brain travels to). And then…a pandemic hit the world..hard! This of course caused us to cancel our baby.  And with COVID 19 came many other changes and challenges. And so I put the idea of a blog away, with my jeans and running shoes. 

However recently I pulled out my running shoes (for a walk)  and revisited the idea of a blog. I thought maybe now is a good time to start the blog..why not. Of course I will not be traveling far (at all) but I still can dream and so can my readers. And of course I still have random thoughts.

 So welcome to my blog, “Wandering feet and Random thoughts”

I hope you enjoy!